said unit. With this, the computer became infected by a virus. At the moment that one of their staff informed him that he cannot open a folder of a student in drive D, my brother looked at the computer and found out that it is infected by a virus. He tried to remove it by installing an antivirus but the installation is being cancelled. He also tried to use some virus removal kit that we usually used but it was also a failure. He also tried using quick smash and other software to access the task manager hoping to stop the process that is causing the termination of installing an antivirus but again, it was a failure. Nothing seemed to have work on all the softwares that we have.
Upon hearing this, i scheduled a time for me to surf the internet for a possible solution. In searching for the right software, a came across with McAFEE Avert Stinger. It is a stand-alone utiliy that detects viruses. It is a tool used in dealing with infected systems. It is buid with the next generation scanning technology. Since i have other things to research, it was the only software that i manage to download. I really could not explain it but somehow, something inside me is telling me that its the utility that i am looking for.
Upon arriving home, i gave it to my brother. The following day, when i got home, my brother gave me a good news. The virus cleaner utility that i downloaded worked. He said that it detected the viruses that was in the system. With this, he was able to install AVG Free edition on the unit and the problem was solved.
The hardest part in dealing with systems that are infected by a virus is that you cannot install antivirus softwares to the system and cannot access the registry and the task manager as well. That is why it is an advantage if you have a stand-alone utility software that works like an antivirus software but i would just like to remind you that it is not intended to replace an antivirus software. It would still recommend that you install an AV program in your system and keep it updated.
Here is the link of the McAfee Avert Stinger: